Inspired Message through Yvonne Galusha This tower of Babel is a physical type of the towers men continue to build when they reject me and my leadings. My children, yet, do not understand what is required to be accounted as worthy vessels of my Spirit. Let it now be known that I am calling my servants now to repent and seek diligently my Spirit, putting aside the things of men in their hearts that are placed before me in their life. Know that the time is not that far hence when I will move forward my work; and only those who are prepared, will be allowed to share in this work. I speak now for I am not well pleased with my sons, who have allowed the contentions of men to overcome their faithful walk with me. If my sons do not repent, my people will flounder; for they look to my Priesthood to be fed of me; and when my sons do not allow me place, my children are lost and languish because they have no vision; and many turn and go to and fro in confusion. My sons, it pains me to see your confusion and lack of trust in me. Have I not told you that my Church will prevail and the gates of hell will not overcome the bringing forth of my Kingdom? Let this be your focus; and turn aside from the things of men that my adversary has caused to come among you, to prohibit my work from going forth. I tell you now that not that many days hence and you will see the unfolding of great things, and then will your hearts take strength; but, only those whose hearts now open to my Spirit will have faith, such, that they will know that these things are of me. Therefore, my sons, I ask that you now seek diligently to push out of your heart the things that are keeping your faith from being strong in me. I give this that you might prepare; and might be able to receive me and assist in this great work of gathering my children who will, on this land, into one body; that a people might be prepared to endure and assist in the bringing forth of my Kingdom, my Zion, my Holy Child; that I have longed for since my son Adam was cast forth from the Garden. I speak now that you might not be overcome by that wicked one, who seeks always to destroy my children and my work of bringing them back unto my Father. My sons, know that great will be your remorse for not assisting me in gathering my children unto me. Consider carefully these words, for they are of me; and the day will come when they will stand as a witness against those who claim to serve me, yet, know not my voice. I speak that you might, instead, humble yourselves and come unto me and receive witness of my words. Only those who seek me with a humble repentant heart, will I visit and give confirmation of the things of me. Let not your pride keep you from receiving my voice from my daughter; for her gift is according to my will and purpose that my sons might learn to walk more circumspectly before me. She seeks not her own will, but my will; and the day will soon come that you will see the witness of her gift. I ask that you consider carefully these things; and consider more carefully why the gift of my Spirit is not manifested in greater measure among you. It is my great desire to bless you in great abundance; but, this can only be as you humble yourselves and desire me before the things of my adversary’s kingdom. Heed my words, my sons, and come unto me that you might have greater part in my work and my glory. The time for hesitation is past. Who will lay down all for me? Who will come that I might show forth myself in great measure? Only those who put off the things of the world and receive me, will receive of my Spirit and be able to go forth to the convincing of many of the truths that I ask be taken; that my children might be brought to humility before me, might be prepared for the times of trouble that are even now at the door. Oh my sons, what can I say to awaken you from your awful state? I am pleading with you to come before me with a broken heart and contrite spirit that I might commune with you more fully, might empower you to go into my vineyard and gather my children; that they might be saved, might be snatched out of the hands of my adversary, might be brought fully into a covenant walk with me. Know that the time is short for you to do these things; and it is for this cause that I am sending you these words; that you might know, and might be prepared to stand before me fully knowledgeable in your accountability for the things of which I entrusted to you. Consider carefully these words, for what I say, will not return to me void; for I am without beginning nor end, and the day will soon come when you will see the truth of these things, and will know your opportunity for greater service has passed. Hear me, my sons, and come unto me. Even So, Amen. |