Inspired Messages received by Yvonne Galusha Thus saith the Lord God of heaven and earth, Hear me, Hear me, oh my people, for the times in which you now live will soon turn to perilous times; and, only those who have heeded my many warnings and prepared, will be able to withstand the things that will shortly come upon you. Listen, oh my children, for the time is short for you to prepare in me, first, and in your homes, for a time of great trial. Have I not told you to come out of Babylon, and prepare to live in ways that are not dependent upon my adversary's kingdom? Have I not told you to buy land in my centerplace, to gather together that you might be a strength to one another? Have I not told you to prepare yourself physically that you might pass through my judgments, that are requisite to remove the stench of Babylon from off my Promiseland? Yet very few have heeded my counsel; and I tell you that the time is very, very short for you to now prepare, if you are to survive these things. My children, I give you this counsel in great love; for I know that few are ready for what will shortly come to pass, and I desire greatly to bless you; but, I can only bless you according to your response to me. So again I speak and ask that you delay no longer your preparation, and come unto me; not only in Spirit, but, in full mind and body; that I might bless and strengthen and guide you; that many might be brought through this time of great chastisement; that I might have a remnant, well-prepared, to build up the waste places of Zion. Thus saith your Redeemer, Savior and Friend, even Jesus Christ, the beginning and the end, Even So, Amen. ***************************************************************** To My People Who Have Gathered at this Place: I speak because I have heard the prayers of some who desire to hear me in this way; and, for this reason, I speak through one who has been given this gift. Yet, I desire that you each learn to hear me, for only in this way will you come to know me, and will allow me to guide and direct you individually. Yet, there are times when I choose to speak to my body through my servants, that all might understand my will, and might function better, as one people, before me. It is for this cause that I give this counsel that you, my precious people, might better stand as one before me. I see your efforts and desires to become one; yet, I also see the things in your heart that are keeping you apart. I say unto you that there are things coming upon you, as a people, that will cause you to humble yourselves and to seek me in greater repentance, as a body; and, then will those, who truly love me, be willing to lay down their differences. I tell you that this is not my will that such conditions be requisite to humble my people; but, it is what is needful to bring about my purposes, in this land. Know that the day soon cometh when many will suffer; yet, I will bring those who truly love me through this time of great trial, but not all. I ask that you now prepare in greater diligence for that which will soon come, for there is no more time to delay these things; and, only those who have heeded my counsel to prepare, both spiritually and physically, will be able to come clear through to my Zion. I say this that you might act in greater urgency, for I know the great need; and, I desire greatly that you come full unto me, in body and soul. So heed my counsel, my children; and, know that I have heard your desires that I speak to you; and I ask that each one not treat my words lightly, for very soon you will see that they are true; but, for those who did not heed them, in some ways, it will be too late. Thus saith your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Even So, Amen. |