Inspired Message through Elder Timothy Johns My prayer unto God is that it shall not be my words, that I be in no wise lifted up, but that it shall be by His Spirit that you receive this, even the power of the Holy Ghost carrying these words into your hearts and minds. Unto my faithful servant, Robert Moore: I am most grateful that you responded to the prompting of my Spirit to stand and speak as you did before the people of my conference, expressing your desire that my elders should conduct themselves as was their practice generations ago when the Reorganization was fresh and clean in its youth and my priesthood sought me often for true expressions of my will and desires for you, my beloved saints. Unto all of you, my elders: I express my gratitude and pleasure in your desires to serve me and my people. I know the desires and concerns of your hearts. Even your great concerns that you be not misled nor found disobedient before your Lord. Thus my words of encouragement to you at this time. Many have and shall criticize you and judge you harshly for the steps you undertake even now to revive and reestablish my beloved Reorganization as it existed and grew under the stewardship of Joseph III and his faithful brothers and sisters. Be of good cheer and renewed in your faith. You are NOT alone, for I am with you. Continue ever to pray diligently for close and personal communion with me, and I shall ever be your guide and your Lord—if you will be my people and follow me in paths of righteousness, not only for my name’s sake, but for the salvation of the world. And unto you, my faithful, my valiant Seventies: Oh, how I love you and your faith and your diligence in carrying the fullness of my gospel into the world. Not withstanding the frailties and weaknesses your flesh is heir to, you have persevered in your calling despite all the turmoil and confusion of disorganization that besets you and my people over whom I have made you shepherd and defender. That you have desired to organize yourselves again into a Quorum that you may ensure the propagation and expansion of the great work of evangelism is most pleasing to me. There are many of my priesthood even now who, in happier days, would have been called into your fellowship of the Seventy. Search them out now. The commandment for my priesthood to organize into quorums and schools of learning was given long ago and even as I stated through my servant and prophet, Joseph III, this should be considered by you to be in full force and effect as if given today. For am I not God? Unchanging and unswerving in all my works, veering neither left nor right, my course is one eternal round. Nothing can be put to it, nor taken from it by the wisdom of man. That which has been is required of you even now. That which is to be, even my Zion, has already been and I require of you that which is past. Many trials still lie ahead of you. Yet do I say unto you all—be of good cheer and faith in me. Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end. |