Revelation Given Through Patriarch Roy Weldon Some 140 years ago the Restored Gospel burst upon the world with the startling declaration of the Lord's servant, "God speaks to men today--hear ye Him." Now, nearly a century and a half since Palmyra, a new day is starting to dawn. Instructions have come to prepare the stage for the next great act of the Restoration: the Temple, the endowment, and the Holy City. For decades, this people have been counseled and warned to prepare for those things which are to come. Now time is running out! Latter Day Israel is nearing Jordan and the Promised Land. Latter Day Israel is approaching a direct confrontation with the God of their fathers. Latter Day Israel is nearing the day when "the Lord whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to His temple...But who may abide the day of His coming? and who shall stand when He appeareth? for He is like a refiner's fire, and like fuller's soap." Time is running out! Running out for those of you who have treated lightly your relationship to your Heavenly Father, and your relationship to your brothers and sisters of the Church. Time is running out! Running out for those of you who have given but a mere token, a mere pittance of your talents, your gifts, your resources for the work of the Lord. Time is running out! Running out for those of you who have lived comfortably and carelessly, and who have tried to hold the world in one hand and the Kingdom in the other. Time is running out! Running out for those of you who have excused yourselves because of the faults, the failings, and the weaknesses of some of your brothers and sisters in the Church. Time is running out! Running out for those families and homes who have failed to establish the family altar, who have failed to discipline their lives and the things that are allowed to enter their homes from worldly sources. Time is running out for those homes where there is bickering, quarreling, crabbiness, and gossiping. But, for those families where family worship is daily conducted, where love, affection, and righteousness prevails, and where the Spirit of the Lord can dwell--for these families, time is not running out. Time will bring you to a new day! Time will bring you, your children, and your grandchildren, to the gates of the Holy City; to the blessings of which it has been written that eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor hath it yet entered into the heart of man, those things that the Lord hath prepared for those who love Him and serve Him and keep His commandments. Time is running out! Running out for the youth who yield themselves to the persuasions, the temptations, and the permissiveness of the world. For as the sun prepares to go down on a world ripening in iniquity, so also shall the sun go down on you--your possibilities, your hopes and all that you might have been. But, for the youth who yield themselves and their lives into the keeping of the Spirit of God; for those of you who dedicate your lives to the purposes of the Lord and the building of His Kingdom--for you, the sun is not going down. Time will bring you to a glorious new day, a day which is already starting to dawn--a day of which prophets and holy men of old have dreamed and yearned--a day when the mighty God of the ancients will come out of His hiding place and make bare His holy arm in the eyes of all people--a day when the Lord Himself shall dwell with His people. And now, time is running out! Running out for you men of learning and you men of the priesthood, who have ministered in your own wisdom and have failed to add to your academic gifts and abilities those gifts and abilities which are available from on high--for you, time is running out. Gethsemane awaits you, for regardless of your degrees or your position in the Church, you will not be able to stand in the day which is to come. But, for those of you who truly humble yourselves, for those of you who diligently seek to apply to your lives the disciplines of the prophets in study of the Lord's word, prayer, fasting, and consecrated activity in behalf of the Lord's people--for you time is not running out! For time will bring you to a day when you shall become mighty men of power, authority, and eloquence--the eloquence of the Holy Ghost by which the hearts and souls of men are stirred and moved--even as the trees of the forest are moved by the mighty wind. And, now I speak to every soul in this assembly. Time is running out! The hour has come for this people to arise and shake themselves; and set themselves to climb to higher levels of repentance, righteousness, and consecration--that the Temple might be built, that the endowment might come, that Zion might be established, that her light might go forth to the nations, that the good people of this earth who hunger and thirst after righteousness, truth, and peace, might see the light and come unto it.