Inspired Message through Elder Rex Curtis
June 21, 2008 -- Seventy Reunion -- Lamoni, Iowa

The words of the Lord given through Elder Rex Curtis at the end of the dedication service on the last day of the Seventy Reunion, June 21st, 2008; confirmed by Seventy Ron Smith.

Thus saith your Lord and Redeemer:

There are those among us who are concerned with their physical health; and there are those among you who are concerned with their temporal health; and there are those among you who are concerned with their spiritual well-being.  There are many among you who are concerned with the general conference and the action taken by my Seventy. But verily I say unto you, behold all these things are in my hand.

Do not have fear for the separation of those whom we loved, do love, to cause you to turn from the path that I have set you on.  I have known this day from the beginning, I am well aware of your needs.  I will bolster you up
To my priesthood:

There are those of you who are young priesthood; and there are those of you who have served me many years.  Prepare ye for the day that lies ahead; for I will call you unto service that you might find discomfort, and separation, and even suffering. 

But, I knew discomfort; I knew separation from my Father; and I knew suffering; and I bore your sins.  For the same I lifted you up that you might be sanctified; that you might go share this gospel that I brought to you; that others may become sanctified and enter into my Father's rest.

All things are possible if you will exercise your faith, that you might heal my people both spiritually and physically. 

For many years the church has laid in disorder.  But I have found the ways for men who sought me, who sought me diligently, that my work might go forward. 

To the Saints:

Support the efforts of my servants.  Pray for them, my people, that those who are lying in the darkness might receive the light; the light that I brought into the world and men perceived it not. 

But for those who have perceived, and for those who have shared my gospel, a crown of glory awaits.  Share that word, my word, with those of a dying world. 

All of you are called, each one.  Study my word that you might be proved in the day that you are called upon to bear my witness; the witness of my suffering and the sanctification that comes through my shed blood.

I have set my love before you that you feel and might embrace that love; that you might learn how to love one another and to be patient and long-suffering with one another. 

I call on you, this small flock, to be my sheep.