Inspired Message through Elder Kerry Lancaster
April 8, 2008 --
JCRB Conference -- Independence, Missouri
On the morning and afternoon of Monday, April 7, 2008 as I sat in the CRE presentations and deliberations at Waldo Avenue, the Lord impressed strongly on my heart the imagery of this message. On Tuesday, April 8, as I sat in the morning prayer and worship meeting with the Melchisedec Priesthood at the JCRB in the Truman Memorial building, the Lord impressed strongly on my heart the language of this message.
Because of my own fear and recognition of my unworthiness to be used by the Lord in such a solemn manner, I did not rise to bear my testimony then of the word of the Lord as we were deliberating the question of the setting apart of the four mentioned Seventy as Presidents of Seventy. I failed the Lord in that moment, and I ask the forgiveness of the Saints for having delayed my response to the Lord’s promptings when moved to do so.
Submitted in all prayerful humility,
Elder Kerry Lancaster
Words of Counsel
My children: How long shall you call Me "Lord," yet do not the things which I say? How long shall you call Me "Master," yet surrender not your will to Mine?
If you would be My disciples, did I not say you must take up your cross and follow Me? My children, when I was scourged and beaten and took up My cross, the path I trod led to Calvary, where My hands and feet were pierced for transgression’s sake, and where I was lifted up and mocked, and died for the sins of the world.
This was done not of My will, but according to the will of My Father in Heaven, for I petitioned My Father to let this cup pass from Me. Nevertheless, I surrendered My will to the will of My Father. So you must surrender your will to Me if I am to be your Lord and Master.
If you call Me Master, then yield to the promptings of My Spirit within you, which will lead you to all truth and knowledge. If you call Me Lord, then do that which I have commanded already, which was given for your benefit and blessing.
By taking up your cross and following Me, do so with the full understanding that your path, like Mine, shall lead to your own Calvary. Take up your cross, not according to your own will, but according to Mine. Walk, as I did, up that hill. Allow the nails to pierce your pride. Endure the pain of being raised stripped before your enemies. Accept the shame of being mocked. Suffer the agony of death upon your cross. And you shall be quickened by My Spirit and raised to new Life!
My promises are sure. My Word endures forever and shall not return to Me void. You have My word before you in Scripture, in testimony, in dreams and visions. Why do you seek more light when you have more than most who follow Me? What manner of confirmation is sufficient for you to move forward in faith on the path I have set before you?
O My children! How like My servant and cousin John you are, who, when he was cast into prison and facing his martyrdom at the hands of Herod's servants, sent messengers to Me asking for confirmation of Me, even though he had seen My glory before, and bore witness to the Jews that My Father sent Me into the world.
O My children! How like My servant Peter you are, who, when I appeared to him and other of My disciples in a manner they did not expect or comprehend, walking on the sea, called out to Me asking for confirmation, saying "Lord, if that is You, bid me come unto You!"
Have I come to you, too, in a manner you did not expect? Even so, I have bid you come unto Me. And you, like Peter, began in faith towards Me, but you have looked about and have beheld the boisterousness of the winds and the seas, and you have slipped beneath the waves.
Must I now reach down and pull you up to where I am, and save you from drowning in the waves stirred up by the adversary? Or can you resume your walk of faith as you once started?
O My children! How like My servant Thomas you are, who, upon hearing the witness of those among him who had seen me alive after the grave, refused their witness even though he had walked in faith with them along with Me in the days of My earthly ministry. You, like Thomas, say among yourselves you will not believe until you feel the prints in My hands and thrust your hands in My side! The pain at your lack of faith is like unto that which I endured which caused these ugly scars you seek to touch.
Will you settle for the blessing Thomas received in answer to his desire for confirmation, or will you reach for the blessing to be received by coming unto Me in faith, believing in that which is not seen?
Will you settle for the blessing Peter received when I reached down and pulled him up to where I was, or will you rise up in Faith and resume the walk you once started, in faith renewed?
Will you settle for the confirmation John received, having then to face his death and serve no more in the world in My name, or will you accept the testimony and witness you have already seen and heard?
What shall I do for you now, My children? Whatsoever you shall ask Me, that I will ask the Father for your sake. Be prepared to accept whatsoever comes as a consequence of that which you ask of Me.
Will you bear your own cross, no matter how unpleasant to bear, no matter how lonely the walk when friends desert you on the way (for not all whom you would will walk beside you all the way), no matter how painful the nails, no matter the consequence on the hill at the end of the path? If you will do so, My promise to you is the same as My Father's promise to Me: you shall be quickened and raised to new life and new service, victorious over the designs of the adversary!
Seek then either your own blessing and assurance, or seek the victory of being raised to new life and new service in a priesthood endowed in faith by My Spirit. I will ask the Father to do whatsoever you ask of Me together in faith, agreed in common consent among you.
Even so. Amen.