Prophetic Counsel through Elder Jack Hagensen
April 7, 2005 -- Spiritual Gathering -- Independence, MO

I want to say to you by the Spirit this morning. Yield your heart unto Him. And He will fill your soul with gladness. And He will give you understanding to speak as those with authority. So that those in this world will separate you from the scribes and the pharises.

For He has given unto this church, His church, the authority to go forth and to proclaim this message unto the ends of the world. That the nations of this earth shall be constrained to acknowledge that indeed Jesus is the living God. The living son of the living God. And that His church has been established for the last time to proclaim the living word unto a dying world.

Be not afraid I will be with you to comfort you and to fill your soul with tidings of great joy. Heed the lessons of my word as you study I will be with you in your private moments. As you pray in your closets I will be with you so that when you leave your closets you will be blessed openly as you minister to my people.

Concern yourself no more about those things that are coming upon this world. But seek first to establish my kingdom within your hearts and then in the hearts of my people. Thus saith the Lord by His Spirit unto you this day.