Prophetic Statement through Seventy Neil Simmons
Second Statement Received through Yvonne Galusha as Confirmation
Geneseo Reunion, July 2006

Shared Monday, July 24th, at the end of the Morning Prayer Service:

The God
of thy Fathers speaks to you today, as he has spoken in times past -- the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob -- the God of Joseph.

As I live saith the God of Israel, all of my promises to you are confirmed to you again in your hearing that my Zion shall yet be upon the earth, and the gospel of the Kingdom shall not fail but be preached into all the world and as a witness to the earth's people, kindred, tongues, tribes and nations.

The powers of darkness continue to grow causing the perplexity among the nations of this earth. Your salvation cometh from above, and not from among mankind. Restore your confidence in Me. Know that I have neither forsaken you nor My Church, but trust Me to care for what is Mine. I am at the beginning and at the end. I am at the doors of death and the resurrection, the life of mankind. I am He who holds the keys of life and death, therefore sorrow not nor grieve for that which passes into death; for am I not a God of the living? All that which is righteous and good lives in Me.

My church must also be resurrected to be clothed without spot or blemish in the raiment of righteousness, therefore you all who grieve for my church be of good comfort. For yet a little while and I shall sound the trumpet -- and She shall arise, be ye ready my servants to clothe her in the raiment of the wedding garment (be ye clean in all things).

Even now my servants are going forth under my orders to declare that the Bridegroom comes. Make your path therefore the straight and the narrow path that leads to life.

Turn away from Babylon and the broad ways that lead to destruction. Oh my children, you must choose this day whom ye will serve -- whether it be the gods of the land, or the God of Israel. Choose either the things of this earth -- or the God of the New Heaven and Earth. But know and understand that you cannot have both.

You are called to be one people, not a divided people. Unity comes when my children truly choose Me to be their God, and serve not other gods. Many of you are drawn toward the gods of this land. But they live not, and they cannot bless you with joy. Despair and disorder -- confusion and perplexity, are the result of worshiping these gods. Choose ye this day: whom shall ye serve?

Among my families are some who are precious jewels. It pleases me to touch them with the finger of my power that causes them to shine with light. Thus, my people shall cross over the great darkness and deeps between where they stand today and the promised Zion. For their light fails not, and it is sufficient to bless my people in the times of need, in their journey unto the promises I have given you. Although there are very few families who have presented themselves to the enlightening touch of My power, every family under covenant to Me should be willing to receive the touch of my Hand. Understand that to whom much is given much shall be required.

I do require of my people more discipline in their temporal stewardships. I have moved upon my Bishop to receive tithes. See therefore that the tithes and offereings be given speedily into my House.

Be cheerful. Have trust in the King of Heaven. Be confident in the power of the Son to protect all who are Mine. Let not your hearts be troubled, nor let anxiety come upon My people who are seeing the turmoil in the world. Judgement is come unto the world, as it has come first upon my House. The wars and rumors of wars, the death and the destruction in the world, are revealing the condemnation of the world. The disturbances in nature reveal the day of Judgment is come. Division among the leaders and their darkened understandings are always the consequence of being under condemnation.

I speak to reassure my servants who have labored diligently in the Vineyard. Have patience with the work of pruning my vineyard. Continue to direct your efforts to nourish my trees and I shall shortly join you in this labor of this last hour. I have promised that I shall labor with my servants and the day of that visitation is near to hand. Be prepared unto that day and faint not, but continue with steadfast effort.

I am pleased with the conferences of the church wherein my children are given voice and vote. Have even more confidence in the deliberations of my people, and give them time and opportunity without undue haste to carefully evaluate their contributions to the work. I caution my priesthood and my leaders, for many have contended against my children and their right to be involved both in voice and vote in My work.

Take care that ye offend not my little ones. But like unto the days of the Nephites I put these children in your midst and you are called to stand protectively round about. I do choose to bless them with the outpouring of my Spirit as you my priesthood shall witness. I am calling a great number into covenant with Me out of the nations of the earth and I require you to receive them to full fellowship and extend to them the blessings of heritage you have enjoyed from your forefathers in the work. Do not let distance or language or culture separate you from each other.

I caution my young people, the youth of this reunion. Many of my youth are deeply marked with the things of the world, in speech, in dress, and even in those permanent marks on your bodies which have identified you with the world. Know and understand that the world does not endure, and the day cometh speedily when like a flower that fades away, the things of this world shall perish. I have called you into my work because of the great gifts which I desire to give through you to this age. I require more from you than other young people. You are children of the King of Heaven and Earth and your allegiance must be to Him. If you first seek my Kingdom, remember that all needful things shall be given to you. You should be marked in your spirit with the emblems and ordinances of my Kingdom.

My children, keep your covenants with me, and I have given my word that I shall fulfill every promise of my scriptures. Amen.


Second Message received prior to the first being distributed and shared Wednesday during the Morning Prayer Service:

To My people who are called by My name:

I give you these words with much joy for I am pleased as my children humble themselves and seek me for direction. For as you seek me in fasting and prayer I am waiting to respond with the blessings of heaven. My priesthood are to be sent forth into all the world with the power to stand in my stead to take my gospel to my lost sheep to perform the miracles of healing that my children might know of my desire for them to return unto my Father. I ask that you continue in all diligence to seek me that my church might be set in order and that my Zion might be redeemed and that my priesthood might be endowed. Great are the blessings I desire to bestow on my children, but first they must be willing to lay down all things for me and my kingdom for this is the only way that Zion can be redeemed. Let not these things be a burden, but seek to allow me greater place in your heart that my Spirit might see you through all trials and tribulations. Great is my love and my desire to redeem Zion.

To My Priesthood:

It is time for you to lay down the things of the world that are keeping you from taking up your cross and following me. The field is white and the time is short for you to thrust in the sickle and reap for soon evil will cover the earth and your time to harvest will have past until Zion is redeemed. Let not this time of opportunity be missed for great is the worth of souls to me and great will be your reward when you sit down in my kingdom with those souls that you brought unto me.

Oh my children, I yearn for you to come out of Babylon and heed my counsel. Let not the sins of the world keep you from doing what I have asked. You must choose who you will serve. I ask that you now make your choice for it is time to move forward with those who will respond.

Consider carefully these words for they are from me, your Savior, Redeemer, and King. Amen.