Restoration Saints have responded to the call of Jesus Christ to witness of His restored gospel -- repentence and baptism for the remission of sins. Futhermore, they have covenanted to take upon themselves the name of Jesus Christ to seek first the Kingdom of God on earth, even Zion. Zion, also known as the New Jerusalem, will begin in the center of the United States and will be the salvation of the Lord's covenant people Israel. The purpose of this site is to further the cause of Zion.
Christians, believers in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, are urged to come together to prepare for the perilous times that lie ahead. Information on this site proclaims and testifies of the vision of Zion and the prophetic guidance of the Lord Jesus Christ in the establishment of His kingdom on earth.
To listen to an Easter Cantata "Harvest of Sorrows" performed by Mount Ayr Restoration Branch April 2006 directed by Jan Jordison, click here.